Friday, March 26, 2010

Change my name....

Changing my name to the "Cross-training Mommy" since I have been doing more of this than running.

Can't wait to get outside with the girls - come on Spring!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Long time....

since I have posted.

Good things have been accomplished.

Ran a New Year's eve 4 miler race.

Bill Rodgers Running Store in Boston will be selling my book, "On My Run with Mommy Today...". Look for it soon!

I already signed up for a fall marathon and 1/2 marathon.

Looking forward to my St. Patrick's day 5k race.

Looking to organize a "Running Mommy" and "Running Daddy" running club. To look for races that are running stroller friendly!

Check back for more details!

Keep Running - and Pushing!